Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Devi Krithis - Birana Varalichchi and Emani Migula - Shyama Shastry

Hello and wish all of you a very happy Navarathri and Dasara festival. Hope all of you are having a nice time.

On the auspicious navami day of Navarathri festival, let us listen to a couple of fantastic krithis by the great composer and Devi upasaka Shyama Shastry.

The first on the list is 'Birana Varalichchi' in Kalyani ragam and rupaka talam.

Raga: kalyANi / Tala: rUpakam

P: birAna varAlicci brOvumu nera nammiti
A: purAri manOhAriNI shrI kAmAkSi
C1: tAmasamu sEyaka nIvu karuNAnidhi gAdA parAmukhamikanEla vinu sarOjamukhi
C2: kAmitArtthaphala dAyaki dEvi kalpalatikA purANi madhuravANi shivuniki rANi
C3: shyAmakRSNa sOdari gauri paramEshvari girijA anAtha rakSNambu salupaga rAvE

This song is set in the ever pleasing Kalyani ragam which is the 65th melakarta ragam in the sampurna mela scheme. Kalyani is also the famous Yaman/Kalyan mode/raag of the Hindustani muic tradition which has a lot of Persian influence. This is also the Lydian mode of the ancient Greek music and western classical music.

Let us listen to Shri K V Narayanaswamy sing this song -

The second is 'Emani migula varnintu' in todi ragam and adi talam.

Raga: tODi / Tala: Adi

P: Emani migula varNintu I mahini nE nI mahimalu
A: sAmajagamanA dharmasam varddhanI ambA surulaku nI mAya teliyalEru shAmbhavI nImahAtmyamatishayamu
C1: nIrajalOcanA lOkamulO ninu hRdayamulO nilupina lOkulu dhanyulairigA nalugurilO sAramatI nanu dayatO gAHnci karuNiHncumu talli neRa nammiti cAlA mahAlIlagaligina shakti santatamu nIvE santOSa vati
C2: O janani karuNi bhavapriyA vinumavani Om anina janmasAphalyamAyE nIdu kathalanu vini O mOhAvRtalaiyunna janulanu talli ipuDu brOvumu O rAjAdhirAjEndra makuTa paTali maNi viracitapadA
C3: kaHnjanadAntuni kAmitAshubhacaritA prasannavadanA ghana kRpAsahitA shyAmakRSNa cintA giritanayA paHncanada kAvEri tIramuna nivasiHNcE umA paHncApakEshamuni nutA haimavatI parAshaktI

This song is set in the grand, intense and yet solemn ragam todi or also known as hanumatodi. This ragam is the 8th melakarta in the sampurna mela series and is called Jana Todi in the asampurna mela system followed by Muthuswami Dikshitar. The raga arohana and avarohana is like -
Ar: S R1 G2 M1 P D1 N2 S
Av; S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S
It can be seen that the upper and lower halves of the ragam (either arohana and avarohana) are symmetrical. All the notes in this ragam are important (I believe all notes are jeeva swaras) but some special importance can be given to gandharam (Ga) and daivatha (Dha) swaras. This ragam is equivalent to the phyrgian mode seen in western classical music and olden greek music. Apparently, it is also known in middle eastern and Arabic music as the Kurd mode. It is amazing that many popular music systems throughout the world share similar scales/modes. But what differentiates Indian music from other musical schools is the use of gamakas and other melodic ornamentations.

Let us listen to Shri M Balamuralikrishna sing this song-

See you soon with more music!

Devi Krithi - Himadri Suthe Pahimam - Shyama Shastry

Hello to all and wishing you a very happy Navarathri/Dasara festival. My interest in music has peaked over the past couple of years.I am really fortunate to have friends with excellent tastes and deep knowledge in music. My heartfelt thanks to all of them. Please do keep sharing your knowledge and treasures with others. A lot of music has been composed on Devi. Shyama Shastry is part of the Musical Trinity of Carnatic Music (along with Thyagaraja and Muthuswami Dikshitar) and his music is really mind blowing. He has composed the least among the trinity (about 65) but each of his song is an exquisite gem.

Today let us listen to one such gem in Kalyani ragam called 'himAdri sUthe, pAhi mAm'.I have been a fan of this song for a long time now. This is one of my favs in Kalyani ragam. I first heard it when we were watching G V Iyer's 'Hamsageethe' which was an adaptation of a novel by TaRaSu. In that movie this song is sung by Balamurali for Anant Nag (and somebody else whose name I do not remember now for his guru). I must have watched this movie during high school time and since then this song has been one of my favs. The lyrics for the song -

Raga: kalyANi / Tala: rUpakam
P: himAdrisutE pAhimAm varadE paradEvatE
A: sumErumaddhya vAsini shrI kAmAkSi
C1: hEmagAtri paHNkajanEtri mataHNgAtmajE sarOjabhava harIsha sura munIndranutE
C2: ambujAri nibhavadanE mauktikamaNihArashObhamAna gaLE bhakta kalpa latE
C3: shyAmakRSNa sOdari gauri paramEshvari girijAla nIlavENi kIravANi shrI lalitE

I think the song is aptly set in Kalyani ragam. Kalyani (or mechakalyani) is the 65th ragam in the sampurna melakarta scheme. It should probably be the most popular and easily recognised ragam.

Please listen to Shri T V Shankaranarayanan sing this gem composed by Shyama Shastry -

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Devi Krithis - Kavave Kanyakumari - sahanA ragam - Dr. Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna

Happy Navarathri to all of you! Hope all of you are having a nice time and enjoying the relaxing holidays and lovely food. I was going through some songs composed (and sung) by Dr. Mangalampalli 'Bala'muralikrishna when I remembered this wonderful and brilliant composition of his in the ragam sahanA. He is one of the most prolific composers of our age. His compositions have a certain sweetness to them both musically as well as lyrically. This composition of his in sahanA is called kAvave Kanyakumari in misra chapu talam. the lyrics for this song goes like -

kAvave kanyAkumari nIve gativamma sukumari 

pAvanamu mukha kamalamu 
nA jeevanamu nee nAma gAnamu 

neeve karmalakElla kartavu
neeve karmala phAlamuliTTuvu
needu roopame nindu punnami
needu varnaname murali gAnamu

sahanA ragam is a really beautiful and melodic ragam that converys shanta (peaceful) rasa. It is derived form the 28th melakarta ragam Harikambhoji (also know as Harikedaragowla in the asampurna melakarta scheme). The scheme of sahanA is like:
Ar: S, R2, G3, M1, P, M1, D2, N2, S
Av: S, N2, D2, P, M1, G3, M1, R2, G3, R2, S

It can be seen that the ragam has vakra sanchanrams in both the arohana and avarohana. In fact, it has two such vakra sancharams in the avarohana. This liberal use of vakra sancharams is what gives sahanA its very characteristic melody.

Let us enjoy Dr. Balamuralikrishna sing his own composition-

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Navarathri Krithis - Saraswati Devi

Happy Navarthri and Dasara Festival to all! Today is Suddha Saptami and Moola Nakshatram and on this day we worship Saraswati Devi, the goddess of all Knowledge, Sciences (we can include technology too) and all the creative arts. She is a manifestation of the divine Shakti and has the Hamsa bird as her mount. Let us all pray that Shri Saraswati Devi gives all of us Knowledge though which we can achieve Anandam, Shanti and Saukhyam.

Famous painting of Saraswati Devi by Raja Ravi Varma -

The devi vigraham at Kanaka Durga temple, Vijayawada is dressed as Sri Maha Saraswati-

Shri Muthuswami Dikshitar, the great Carnatic composer and Devi upasaka has composed many krithis on Saraswati Devi. I have made a compilation of thirteen Dikshitar krithis on Saraswati Devi sung by various artists. In addition, there are many Nottuswarams of Dikshitar that have been composed on Saraswati devi. Maybe some day I will play them and upload them. The 13 songs on Saraswati Devi in the compilation are (in order of the song played in the compilation)-

1. shrI sarasvati.  rAgA: Arabhi.   rUpaka tALA.    Sung by M Balamuralikrishna

P: shrI sarasvati namOstutE varadE paradEvatE shrIpati gaurIpati guruguha vinutE vidhiyuvatE
C: vAsanA traya vivarjita varamuni bhAvita mUrttE vAsavAdyakhila
nirjara vara vitaraNa bahukIrttE dharahAsa yutA mukhAmburuhE adbhuta
caraNAmburuhE samsAra bhItyApahE sakala mantrAkSara guhE

2. vINA pustaka dhAriNImAshrayE.   rAgA: vEgavAhini.  jhampa tALA.  Sung by MS Amma

P: vINA pustaka dhAriNIm AshrayE vEgavAhinIm vANImAshrayE
A: ENAnkayuta jaTAjUTa makuTAntAm EkAgra citta nidhyAtAm vidhikAntAm
C: parAdyakhila shabda svarUpAvakAshAm paurNamI candrikAdhavaLa sankAshAm
karAravindAm kalyANadAm bhASAm kanaka campakadAma bhUSA vishEhAm
nirantaram bhakta jihvAgra vAsAm nikhila prapanca sankOca vikAsAm
narAdhamAnana vilOka shOkApahAm narahari hara guruguha pUjita vigrahAm

3. sarasvatI chAyAtarangiNi.   rAgA: chAyAtarangiNi.   Adi tALA.
Sung by Chembai V Bhagavathar

P: sarasvatI chAyAtarangiNi sakala kalA svarUpiNi
rakSatu mAm sakala durita bhanjanI vidhi ranjanI niranjanI
C: purandarAdi pUjitAbha mukhI budha janOpAsita saccit sukhI garuDa
vrSaturaga hari hara kari mukha guruguha mukhamati vitaraNa guNinI

4. sarasvatI vidhiyuvatI.   rAgA: hindOLa.  rUpaka tALA.  Sung by S P Ramh

P: sarasvatI vidhiyuvatI samrakSatu mAm shrI
C: muraLI vINA gAna vinOdinI samvEdinI cAru candra hAsinI sarasIruha lOcani
murAri guruguha mOdinI shabdArttha svarUpiNI hamsinI brahmANI AraktavarNa rUpiNI

5. vINAbhErI vENu.  rAgA:  AbhErI.  Adi tALA.   Sung by MS Amma

P:  vINAbhEri vENu vAdyAdi vinOdinI mOdinI rakSa mAm
C:  ghONI vadanAdi vinuta caritE guNa rahitE vidhi guruguha mahitE
ENI lOcani pApa vimOcani indirEsha sahOdari talOdari

6. sarasvatyA bhagavatyA.  rAgA: chAyAgauLa   triputa tALA.

P: sarasvatyA bhagavatyA samrakSitOham chAyAgaura tarayA varayA shrI
A: virinci prANa nAyikayA vINAvAdanOtsukayA sarasa sangIta sAhitya stanadvayayA parAdvayayA
C: catuSSaSTi kalAtmikayA samasta varNAtmikayAshruti pratipAditayA shubhra
vastrAvrtayAnatEndrAdyakhila dEvatayA nanda guruguha susEvitayA ratiramA girijArcitayA
ratnAbharaNAlankrtayAmati majjihvAgra sthitayA mangaLapradayA sadayayA

7. sarasvatImanOharI.  rAgA: sarasvatimanOhari.   Adi tALA.  Sung by M Balamuralikrishna

P: sarasvatImanOharI shankari sadAnanda lahari gauri shankari
A: sarasIruhakSi sadAshiva sAkSi karuNA kaTAkSi pAhi kAmAkSi
murahara sOdari mukhya kaumAri mUka vAkpradAnakari mOdakari
C: akArAdyakSara svarUpiNi antahkaraNa rUpEkSu cApiNi
prakAsha paramAdvaita rUpiNi parE tripurasundari tApini
prakalpita prapanca prakAshini prasiddha guruguha janani
pAshini vikalpa jaTila vishva vishvAsini vijaya kAncInagara nivAsini

8. namO namastE.  rAgA: gIrvANi.   cApu tALA.  Sung by S Sanjay

P: namO namastE gIrvANI nAdabindu kaLA shrENi
C: sumanOpAsita kalyANi surAsuranuta brahmANi umApati
ramApati viditE kumAra guruguha sammuditE

9. sharAvati taTavAsinI.   rAgA: sharAvati.   rUpaka tALA.  Sung by V Ambujam

P: sharAvatI taTavAsinI hamsinI sarasvatI vidhiyuvatI samrakSatu mAm shrI
C: carAcarAtmaka parapanca rUpiNi shabdArttha svarUpiNi brahmANi
murAri purAri guruguha mOdinI samvEdinI muraLI vINA gAna vinOdinI gIrvANI

10. kalAvati kamalAsana.  rAgA: kalAvati.   Adi tALA.  Sung by Vijayalakshmi

P: kalAvatI kamalAsana yuvatI kalyANam kalayatu sarasvatI
A: balA balA mantrArNa rUpiNi bhAratI mAtr-kAsharIriNi
malALi vidAriNI vAgvANI madhukara vENI vINApANi
C: sharat jyOsnA shubhrAkArA shashivadanA kAshmIra vihArA varA
shAradA parAnkusha dharA varadAbhaya pAsha pustaka karA
surArcita padAmbujA shObhanA shvEta pankajAsanA suradanA
purAri guruguha hrdaya ranjanI murAri snuSa niranjanI

11. shrI sarasvatI hitE shivE.   rAgA: mAnji.  Adi tALA.   Sung by S Kalpagam

P: shrI sarasvatI hitE shivE cidAnandE shivasahitE
A: vAsavAdi mahitE vAsanAdi rahitE
C: kAmakOTi nilayE karadhrta maNivalayE kOmaLatara hrdayE guruguhOdayE mAmava sadayE

12. bhAratI maddhiSaNA.   rAgA: dEvamanOhari.  rUpaka tALA. Sung by Prof. S R Janakiraman

P: bhAratI maddhiSaNA jADyApahE tvad bhakta kalpaka mahIruhE mukhAmburuhE shrI
A: kAruNya sudhA laharI kanjaja dEvamanOhari shAradE vAgadIshvarI shashikunda dhavaLa bhAsvari
C: vallakI pustakAbhaya varada kOmaLatara karE pallavAnghri yugaLa maNi prAkAsha manjIra dharE
phulla sarasijAkSi shrIpura svapIThAntarE vallabhEsha vidhi harihara vAnchitArtthapradE
varE mallikAdi sumArccitE mAyAkArya varjitE vallIsha guruguhanutE vAdikSAntArNayutE

and finally, I conclude with a song in Devakriya (or Suddha Saveri depending on your inclination) sung by G Shrikanth...

13. sandhyAdEvIm.  rAgA: dEvakriyA.   Adi tALA.

P: sandhyAdEvIm sAvitrIm vara gAyatrIm sarasvatIm bhajEham
A: vindhyAcala nivasita vishAlinIm vidhi guruguha sannuta varadAyinIm
C: guptatara mArga kuLa yOginIm guNinIm gOvinda jananIm naLinIm
satya sankalpa tamOpahAriNIm sakAra rUpiNIm sampradAyinIm
saptasvara mAtrkA rUpiNIm samsAra duhkkha shamanIm dhaninIm
tatpada lakSyArtha rUpiNIm samayAcAra pravarttinIm

All the songs have been added into this compilation which runs for about 68 minutes and is about 63 MB in size. Please listen/download this compilation at:

See you soon with more music!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Navarathri Krithis - Annapurna Devi

Happy to Navarathi and Dasara festival to all! On Suddha Chaviti thidi, the Devi alankarana at Kanaka Durga temple, Vijayawada is that of Sri Annapurna Devi. Annapurna Devi is the manifestation of Shakti who is associated with anna (food) and dhanya (grains) - the very nourishment and sustenance required for life. It is so amazing that our ancients have recognized this and by worshiping Annapurna Devi we are worshiping food and its life sustenance quality. It is a pity that now a days we waste so much food while so many people are starving. We, the human race, is consuming at a rate far greater than we can replenish. Very sad.

Let us pray to Annapurna Devi and pray she gives us Gyana, Vairagyam and anna bhiksham to all living beings everywhere. Also, may she grant all of us some sense to respect food and not waste it.

Annapurna alankaram for the Devi at Kanka Durga temple, Vijayawada.

Annapurna Devi is a manifestation of Parvathi Devi and is also known as Visalakshi Devi. She and her husband Vishvesvar (Shiva) lord over the ancient city of Kasi and hence she is known as Kasi Annapurna or Kasi Visalakshi. The great devi upasaka and composer Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar has composed four songs in her praise. Muthuswami Dikshitar had travelled to North India and visited Kasi. The influence of Hindustani music tradition (which had clearly become a very separate tradition from carnatic even before the time of the Carnatic Music Trinity)  can be clearly seen in his compositions. However, not all of his compositions on Annapurna are regarding the devi at Kasi. Annapurne Visalakshi set in Sama ragam is a krithi on the devi at MadhyamaKasi/Kuzhikkarai in Tamil Nadu which he had visited on pilgrimage.

The krithi Ehi Annapurne is in praise of Sri Kasi Annapurna and is set in Punnagavarali ragam and Adi talam. Punnagavarali is a janya of the 8th Melakarta Hanumatodi. It is a nishadantya ragam - meaning the ragam does not start and end on the Sa but on strarts and ends on Ni.

Ehi annapUrNE sannidhEhi.  rAgA: punnAgavarALi.  Adi tALA.

P: Ehi annapUrNE sannidhEhi sadApUrNE suvarNE
A: pAhi pancA shadvarNE mAm shriyam dEhi raktavarNE aparNE
C: kAshI kSEtra nivAsini kamalalOcana vishAlini vishvEsha manOllAsini
jagadIsha guruguha pAlinI vidrumapAshini punnAgavarALi prakAshini
SaD-trimshat tatva vikAshini suvAsini bhakta vishvAsini cidAnanda vilAsini

Please listen to DK Pattamal's wonderful rendition of this song-

The next song is Vishalakshim Visveshim in the ragam Kashiramakriya which is the Asampurna mela equivalent of the 51st melakarta Kamavardhani.

vishAlAkSIm vishvEshIm.  rAgA: kAshIrAmakriya.   cApu tALA.

P: vIshAlAkSIm vishvEshIm bhajarE rE mAnasa sadA
C: kAshI rAjnIm kapAlinIm vinOda jAlinIm vAriNIm
pAsha mOcanIm prasiddhinIm IshAnIm guruguha jananIm

Please listen to the song rendered by D K Pattammal-

The next song is Kasi Visalakshim which is in the ragam Gamakakriya which is equivalent to the 53rd melakarta ragam Gamanashrama. However, this song is generally rendered in the ragam Purvi Kalyani which is a janya of Gamanashrama.

kAshI vishAlAkSIm.  rAgA: gamakakriyA.   rUpaka tALA.

P: kAshI vishAlAkSIm bhajEham bhajE shrI
A: kAshI vishvEshvara manOllAsa kAriNIm karuNArasa laharIm guruguha vishvAsinIm
C: kAshIpura vAsinIm kAmita phaladAyinIm kali kalmaSa nAshinIm gandharva ghOSita gamakakriyA
mOdinIm pAsha mOcanIm kapAla shUlinIm pannaga vENIm dAsajana mukundavara pradAyinIm

Please listen to Maharajapuram Santanam sing this song-

The last song is Annapurne Visalkshi set in sAma ragam. Sama is a beautiful ragam which conveys shanta rasa. This ragam is a Janya of the 28th melakarta Harikambhoji which is known in the aasampurna scheme as Harikedaragowla.

annapUrNE.  rAgA: sAma.  Adi tALA.

P: annapUrNE vishAlAkSi akhilabhuvana sAkSi kaTAkSi rakSi
A: unnata garta tIra vihAriNi OmkAriNi duritAdi nivAriNi
pannagAbharaNa rAjnI purANi paramEshvara vishvEshvara bhAsvari
C: pAyasAnna pUrita mANikya pAtra hEmadarvI vidhtakarE
kAyajAdi rakaSaNa nipuNatarE kAncanamaya bhUSaNambaradharE
tOyajAsanAdi sEvitaparE tumburu nArsdAdi nutavarE
trayAtIta mOkSaprada caturE tripada shObhita guruguha sAdarE

Please listen to Radha and Jayalakshmi sing this song-

See you soon with more songs!

Navarathri krithis - Sri Mahalakshmi Devi

Happy Navarathri and Dasara pandaga/habba (festival) to all! On Sudda Thadiya thidi, the Devi at Kanaka Durga temple, Vijayawada is dressed (alankarana) as Si Mahalakshmi. Maha Lakshmi is the atma of Sriman Narayana and a manifestation of the Maha Devi Shakti. Maha Laksmi stands for wealth, wisdom, prosperity, beauty, success and many such positive attributes. Let us pray to her that she grant all of us sadbuddhi, prosperity, wisdom and happiness in our lives.

Maha Lakshmi alankarana at Kanaka Durga Temple, Vijayawada

Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar is one of the Trinities of Carnatic music and a great Devi upasaka. He has composed krithis on many deities and has composed many krithis on Varalakshmi. Actually, some of the Varalakshmi krithis were composed by him to be sung during the popular Varalakshmi vratam performed by women in South India.These krithis are also popularly known as Sri Lakshmi krithis series of Muthuswami Dikshitar. These krithis are -

1. Hari Yuvatheem Haimavatheem in Raga Hemavathi

The first song is Hari Yuvathim Haimavatheem in the Ragam Haimavatheem/ Hemavathi which is the 58th ragam in the sampurna melakartha scheme. It is set in rupaka talam. It is in fact the prati-madhayama equivalent of the famous and ancient Kharaharapriya ragam. Hemavathi ragam is known as Deshi Simharavam in the Asampurna melakarta scheme which was followed by Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar. However, Dikshitar has incorporated Haimavatheem as the name of the raga into the krithi. The raga structure for Hemavathi is -
Aro: S, R2, G2, M2, P, D2, N2, S
Ava: S, N2, D2, P, M2, G2, R2, S
Note the large gap of a whole step between the sadharana gandharam and pratimadhyamam. The raga Deshi Simharavam too maintains the same arohana-avarohana scheme as Hemavathi.

hariyuvatIm haimavatIm.  rAgA: dEshIsimhAravam.   rUpaka tALA.

P: hariyuvatIm haimavatIm ArAdhyAmi satatam akhila lOkajananIm
C: narahari hrdaya nivAsini nAma rUpa prakAshini guruguha mAnasa ranjani guNijananutE niranjani

Please listen to Daamal K Pattammal sing this song-

2. Hiranmayeem Lakshmim sada bhajaami in Raga Lalitha

Sri Dikshitar has composed two back-to-back songs on Maha Lakshmi and there is a legend regarding this. Once, his second wife was obsessed by gold and this seems to have depressed him. So he praised Sri Lakshmi as 'Hiranmayeem Lakshmim' or the Lashmi devi made of gold and promised not seek help (ashrayam) from the rich and corrupt/greedy (heena maanava) in the popular song song 'Hiranmayeem Lakshmim' set in Lalitha ragam. Lalitha ragam is a very pleasing ragam derived from the 15th melakarta Mayamalavagowla. It is a hexatonic scale (shadava-shadava) in both arohana and avarohana. It is obtained from Mayamalavagowla by dropping the Panchamam (Pa). The ragaswaroopa is:
Ar: S, R1, G3, M1, D1, N3, S
Av: S, N3, D1, M1, G3, R1, S
The large step between M1 and D1 gives Lalitha quite a floavor. It is a serene and devotional ragam. The Hindustani raag Lalith is not related to Laitha ragam although Lalith was also known previously as Lalitha raag. The Lalith raag too eschews the Panchama (Pa) but it features both the suddha and prati-madhayama like in Bihag although the usage of both Ma1 and Ma2 is different in Lalith.

hiraNmayIm lakSmIm.  rAgA: lalita   rUpaka tALA.

P: hiraNmayIm lakSmIm sadA bhajAmi hIna mAnavAshrayam tyajAmi
A: ciratara sampatpradAm kSIrAmbudhi tanayAm hari vakSasthalAlayAm harinIm caraNa kisalayAm kara kamaladhrta kuvalayAm marakata maNi valayAm
C: shvEta dvIpa vAsinIm shrI kamalAmbikAm parAm bhUta bhavya vilAsinIm bhUsura pUjitAm varAm
mAtaram abja mAlinIm mANikyAbharaNa dharAm gIta vAdya vinOdinIm girijAm tAmindirAm sIta
kiraNani bhavadanAm shrita cintAmaNi sadanAm pItavasanAm guruguha mAtula kAntAm lalitAm

Listen to MS Amma sing this song:

3. Mangala Devataya tvyaa in Raga Dhanyaasi

After Sri Dikshitar composed and sang Hiranmayeem Lakshmim,  it seems to have satisfied Sri Maha Laksmi and she lifted the veil of illusion from his wife's eyes. Happy about this, the second day he composed the song Mangala Devataya tvaya in the Ragam Dhanyaasi and rupaka talam.Dikshitar seems to have chosen the best ragam for this song given the situation. Dhanyaasi or Dhanashri is a very mangala (auspicious) ragam which conveys bhakti rasa among others. Dhanyaasi is thought to be derived from the 8th melakarta ragam Hanumatodi although the Sangitha Sampradaya Pradarshini (SSP) of Subbaraya Shastri puts it under the 20th mela Natabhairavi/Nariritigowla. However, in modern times, it is comnsidered to be under the 8th mela Hanumatodi. It is an asymmetric raga with a pentatonic (Audava) arohana and heptatonic (sampoorna) descent. The raga structure is like:
Ar: S, G2, M1, P, N2, S
Av: S, N2, D1, P, M1, G2, R1, S
Since SSP puts Dhanyaasi under 20th Mela instead of 8th mela, the D1 (suddha daivatham) has to be changed to D2 (chatusruthi daivatham) to fit into the 20th mela.

mangaLa dEvatayA tvayA.  rAgA: dhanyAsi.  rUpaka tALA.

P: mangaLa dEvatayA tvayA bahu mAnitOham shrI
A: pungava kamalAlayayA bhOga bhOgyAlayayA jangama sthAvara lOkajanana sthitilayayA jayA
C: haridrA kumkuma vastrAlankrta vigrahayA daridra duhkhAdi mUrddhanyAshiva
nigrahayA varada rAjagOpAla hrdaya sarasija grhayA varalakSmyA harihara guruguha
bhaktAnugrahayA surArcita padAmbujayA sudhA sAgarAtmajayA sura vinuta shivAnujayA
mAyAbIjayA vijaya

Listen to Mangala Devataya:

4. Varalakshmim bhajare re manasa in Raga Saurashtram

This krithi is set in the Raga Saurasthram and  Adi talam. In this krithi Diskhitar says to worship Sri Varalakshmi as she bestows us what we pray for (vanchita phala pradam). the lyrics are -

varalakSmIm bhajarE.  rAgA: saurASTra   Adi tALA.

P: varalakSmIm bhajarE rE mAnasa vAnchitArtha phalapradAm varadAm vanaja padAm
C: carAcarAtmaka prapanca jananIm saurASTra dEsha patinuta dhaninIm nirAmaya
mahAviSNu mAninIm niranjanIm nikhilAgha bhanjanIm surArcita padAmbuja vikAsinIm
nirAlamba mAnasOllAsinIm murAri vakSasthala nivAsinIm purAri guruguha cidvilAsinIm

Saurashtram is among the carnatic (and even hindustani) ragas which have been named after regions of our country. It might be that the folk tunes or classical tunes of those regions might have been incorporated into our classical music traditions and hence their names have been associated with those regions.In fact, in this krithi Dikshitar says that Sri Lakshmi is worshiped by the King of Saurashtram thereby inserting the raga mudra into the krithi. Thyagaraja has used this ragam twice in his famous opera Prahalada Bhakti Vijayam. He used it in the beginning in the opening song "Sri Ganapathi ni" and finally in the mangalam "Pavamana sutudu". In doing so, Thyagaraja has given this raga a special status as this raga would get song in almost every concert as the mangalam in Saurashtram is sung in almost every concert. The raga Suarashtram is derived from the 17th melakartha ragam Suryakantham. The raga swaroopam is -
Ar: S, R1, G3, M1, P, M1, D2, N3, S
Av: S, N3, D2, N2, D2, P, M1, G3, R1, S
The raga is varka in both arohana and avarohana with the usage of both N3 and N2 in the avarohana. This vakra sancharas makes the raga very pleasant to listen to and the raga has plenty of scope for gamakas. It is a very mangala (auspicious) ragam.

Listen to Vijay Siva sing Varalaksmim Bhajare -

5. Sri Varalakshmi Namastubhyam in Sri ragam

 Shree or Sri ragam is a very ancient ragam with a lot of compositions set to it. It is a highly pleasing and mangala (auspicious) ragam. The modern day Shree ragam is considered to be a janya of the 22nd melakarta Kharaharapriya as per the sampurna mela formulation. In the asampurna mela series, the 22nd mela itself was called as Shree ragam and it is this origin that Dikshitar used.The raga swaroopa is-
Ar: S, R2, M1, P, N2, S
Av: S, N2, P, D2, N2, P, M1, R2, G2, R2, S
It has a prominent vakra sanchara in its avarohana and is pentatonic (audava) in its arohana. More on Shree ragam in a later blog. The lyrics of the krithi -

shrI varalakSmI.  rAgA:  shrI.  rUpaka tALA.

P:  shrI varalakSmI namastubhyam vasupradE shrI sArasapadE rasapadE sapadE padE padE
A  bhAvaja janaka prANa vallabhE suvarNAbhE bhAnu kOTi samAna prabhE bhakta sulabhE
sEvaka janapAlinyai shrta pankaja mAlinyai kEvala guNa shAlinyai kEshava hrt-khElinyai
C:  shrAvaNa paurNamI pUrvastha shukravArE cArumatI prabhrtibhih-pUjitAkArE
dEvAdi guruguha samarpita maNimaya hArE dInajana samrakSaNa nipuNa kanakadhArE
bhAvanA bhEda caturE bhAratI sannutavarE kaivalya vitaraNaparE kAnkSita phalapradakarE

Please listen to MS Amma sing this song:

6. Mahalakshmi Karuna rasa lahari in Raga MadhavaManohari

This meaning of this raga itself is: One who makes Madhava happy/pleased and that is Mahalakshmi. This ragam is the janya of the 22nd melakarta Kharaharapriya. This ragam can also be called a janyam of other melakarthas but I will not get into that.As per Sangitha Sampradaya Pradarshini, this ragam is the janya of the 22nd melakarta of the Asampurna scheme - Sri ragam and the raga lakshana is-
Ar:  S, R2, G2, M1, P, N2, D2, N2, S
Av: S, N2, D2, M1, G2, R2, S
This ragam features a vakra sancharam in the arohana. In the avarohana the Panchama (pa) is missing.

The lyrics of this song:

mahAlakSmi.   rAgA:  mAdhavamanOharI.  Adi tALA.

P:  mahAlakSmi karuNArasa lahari mAmava mAdhavamanOhari shrI
A:  mahAviSNu vakSasthala vAsini mahAdEva guruguha vishvAsini
mahA pApa prashamani manOnmaNi mArajanani mangaLa pradAyini
C:  kSIra sAgara sutE vEdanutE kSitIshAdi mahitE shiva sahitE
bhAratIc ratI shaci pUjitE bhakti yukta mAnasa virAjitE
vArijAsanAdyamara vanditE nAradAdi muni brnda nanditE
nIrajAsanasthE sumanasthE sArasa hastE sadA namastE

Please listen to D K Pattammal sing this song:

7. Sri Bhargavi bhadram in Raga MangalaKaishiki

This song is part of the Srirangam pancharatna krithi of Muthuswami Dikshitar and is set in the rare and ancient raga Mangala Kaishiki and Triputa talam. The ragam Mangala Kaishiki is a janyam of the 15th melakarta Mayamalavagowla in both the sampurna and asampurna formulations. The raga swaroopa is -
Ar: S, R1, M1, G3, D1, P, S
Av: S, N3, D1, P, M1, G3, R1, S
This ragam has multiple vakra sancharas in the arohanam. However, M1 and G3 are close to each other as does D1 and P. So the arohana has a two peak (as in mountain peak) type vakra sanchara. This type of movements are very common in western classical music where in typically we are relatively free to choose the notes (Except in some cases, we can make vakra sancharas pretty much when ever we want). The lyrics of the song  -

P: shrI bhArgavI bhadram mE dishatu shrIrangadAmEshvari
A: saubhAgya lakSmI satatam mAmavatu sakala lOkajananI viSNu mOhinI
C: madana guru mAninI mama manasi tiSThatu madhukara vijaya mangaLa kaishikA nivasatu sadana
madhyE mahAlakSmI sadA viharatu sAmaja hEma kumbha snApitA vijayatu pada nayanAnana karanaLinI
parama puruSa hari praNayinI vadana kamala guruguha dharaNIvaranuta ranganAtha ramaNI
Please listen to T M Krishna sing this song -

These songs are considered part of the Muthuswami Dikshitar Varalakshmi series. But he has also composed Kamakshi Sri Varalakshmim but it is considered as part of his Kamakshi series. All the songs uploaded and linked on this blog are for educational and devotional purposes only and not intended to break any copyright. Meet you soon with more music!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Navarathri Krithis - Sri Gayathri Devi

Happy Dasara festival to all! Today is the second day (Sudda Vidhiya) of the Navarathri festival. On this day we worship the Goddess of Learning and the Veda Mata, Shri Gayathri Devi.The Devi at Kanaka Durga temple, Vijayawada is decorated (alankarana) as Sri Gayathri Devi. Gayathri Devi is shown with five heads and ten hands. The Gayathri Mantram is taught to children by their father during their Brahmopadesam or Thread ceremony. May Sri Gayathri enlighten our intellects and guide us to becoming better persons.

Sri Gayathri Devi alankarana at Kanaka Durga Temple, Vijayawada

Presented below are three compostions on Sri Gayathri Devi.

The first composition is by Sri Origala Veera Raghava Sharma ( He was a famous Devi upasaka and a composer of the modern era who has composed 86 songs on Sri Gayathri Devi in 4 volumes of his book "Srimad Devigaana Sudha". More information regarding the compositions can be found at
His son and daughter have taken up the responsibility of spreading Sri Raghava Sharma's message. Some of his compositions have been sung by his daughter and more information & song download links can be found at

The song presented today is Sri Gayathri Devi SanAtani in Valaji Ragam and Aadi talam. This song was performed by Sri M Balamuralikrishna during a 1983 concert at Bangalore. The lyrics for this song can be found at in English and at for Telugu and Tamil.The song is set in Valaji Ragam ( which is a symmetric pentatonic scale (audava-audava ragam). This ragam is considered to be derived from the 16th melakarta ragam Chakravakam. Chakravakam is also know as Ahir Bhairav in Hindustani music tradition. Valaji ragam is known as Kalavathi in the Hindustani music tradition. The arohana and avarohana structure for Valaji is-
Arohana: S, G3, P D2, N2, S
Avarohana: S, N2, D2, P, G3, S
The famous and ancient raga Malayamarutham is a hexatonic scale (shadava-shadava) is also derived from Chakravakam and can be obtained by just adding a Suddha Rishabham (R1) to Valaji ragam.

Listen to M Balamuralikrishna sing Sri Gayathri Devi SanAtani -

The next composition is Sri Gayathri Devi Vedamatrusvarupini in the raga Gamanashrama and Chatusra Jaathi Druva Talam. Please refer to for a dangerously brief introduction to the tala and raga system in Carnatic music. The composer for this song is Sri Jayachamaraja Wodeyar ( who was a great patron of arts and a brilliant composer himself. He was a Devi Upasaka (Shri Vidya Upasaka) and composed many krithis on her. A detailed list of compositions and their compositions can be found at . His mudra for this song is also Shri Vidya.

This particular krithis is his only composition on Devi Gayathri. The lyrics for this song are reproduced from
This song was performed by R K Srikantan for AIR Bangalore's Wodeyar series. Gamanashrama is the 53rd melakarta ragam and is known as Gamakakriya in Muthuswami Dikshitar School. The arohana and avarohana structure for this ragam is-
Arohana: S, R1, G3, M2, P , D2, N3, S
Avarohana: S, N3, D2, P, M2, G3, R1, S
Hamsanandi, which is a very popular janya of Gamanashrama is obtained by dropping the Pa (Panchama). Purvi Kalyani is another popular janya of Gamanashrama which drops Ni (Nishada) in the arohana.

Listen to R K Srikantan sing Sri Gayatri Devi -

The last composition on Gayathri Devi presented today is Sri Gayathrim in the ragam Jyothi Swarupini and Rupaka talam. The krithis has been composed by Sri Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna as part of his Raganga Ravali series. This song belongs to the Raganga Ravali Volume 9 ( 
A brief biography of Dr. M Balamuralikrishna can be found here: I have heard Balamurali speak in a recent concert recording that he has been performing for about 75 years and close to 24,000 concerts.

The lyrics for this song are below:
Sri Gayathrim Bhakta Durita Latha Lavithrim
Yaga Phala Daathrim Uparthe Anisam

Yogi Hrtjanananaam Satvija Bhagadeyam
Chatur Vim-Dyakshara Roopam
(Sri Gayathrim..)

Pancha Varna Shobita VadaNam Jyothir Swaroopinim
Varada Abhayamkusha Kashadi Dharinim Trinetra
Varenyam Murali Gaana Vinodinim Abalam
(Sri Gayathrim..)

Jyothi swaroopini is the 68th melakartha raga ( and it Arohana-Avarohana structure is -
Arohana: S, R3, G3, M2, P D1, N2, S
Avarohana: S, N2, D1, P, M2, G3, R3, S
This raga uses shatsruthi rishabam, antara gandharam, prati madhyamam, suddha daivatham and kaisiki nishadham.

Listen to M Balamuralikrishna's own composition-

See you soon with more fantastic music!